Get the most from your browser’s accessibility features

Update your browser

We recommend that you use the latest version of the following browsers:
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Google Chrome.
It’s a good idea to keep your browser up to date. It helps reduce browsing problems and is much more secure.

Make sure you have a PDF reader

PDFs help you view and keep important information from our website. You’ll need a PDF reader installed on your computer or browser to use them.
If you do not already have one, download Adobe Reader

Get help with AbilityNet

AbilityNet logo


AbilityNet is a UK charity dedicated to helping older adults and individuals with disabilities. They offer tailored support to guide you through everything you want to do with your device.

Help with mobile

Whether you’re using an Apple iOS phone or an Android phone we can help you get set up quickly.


The RNIB is the UK’s leading sight loss charity. They offer practical advice on a lot of topics including getting the most from your devices.


Get help with your Android phone to find all the accessibility settings and set them to give you the support you need.


Apple’s guides to iOS accessibility features will get you set up with the support you need.

Contact us in a way that suits you

Call us

Our Customer Support team are here to help you. Find the number your need and call us.

Message us

If you manage your account online, you can log in to your account and send us a secure message.

Visit us

Find your nearest branch to get in person support from our staff.