We are here to help you look after your money and personal details, keeping them safe and secure

Protect yourself and your money

What we will do to protect you​​​​

We will never ask you to disclose your whole password to us except when you specifically want to change it and you can only do this once you have logged into your account. When you log in, we will randomly ask for three characters from your password or if using our mobile app you can setup Biometric authentication via facial or fingerprint recognition.
All pages that display or collect personal information are encrypted.
A team of independent security experts regularly tests our website and Mobile app.
We may contact you by telephone to check the details of changes you have requested online - it is important that you keep us informed if you change your number, and if possible provide more than one number on which you can be contacted.
You should note that ordinary email is not secure. We will only use email to send confidential information about your accounts to you where we are required to do so, where you specifically request it, and where it is suitably protected. Similarly, please do not send us any confidential information via email.
We will verify your identity before disclosing confidential information over the telephone or re-setting your password.
Your session will time out after a period of keyboard inactivity or when the YBS app runs in the background.

Access to your online account will be locked out after a number failed access attempts. You will need to  call us to reset your account.

After multiple failed biometric access attempts on a mobile application you will be required to re-register your device.

If you fail biometric log in on the YBS app and then incorrectly input your password three times your account will be locked. You will need to call us to reset your account.

How we protect you online

An overview of the security measures we take to protect you

Latest fraud and scams updates

Further information to help you to protect yourself

What you should do to protect yourself

Never reveal your password to anyone or write it down, unless you’re using an authorised online Third Party Provider. Additional information on accessing your account(s) through a TPP can be found here.
Use a unique and memorable password.
Do not use a password that could easily be guessed by someone else and change your password immediately if you suspect someone else could know it.
Make sure we have your correct telephone number in case we need to contact you about unusual activity on your account.
If your phone or tablet device has been stolen contact us on 0345 1200 805 as soon as possible to deregister the mobile application access and ensure your account is kept safe.
Log off from the YBS website or YBS app when you have completed your transaction.
Keep your computer updated with current anti-virus software, the latest browser versions and relevant security patches/updates and use a firewall to protect from hacking attacks.
Protect your phone or tablet by turning on automatic software updates and backing up the data that is important to you.
Do not send us any confidential account information via email.
Make sure we have your correct email address and check your inbox regularly for new messages.
Beware of phishing emails or texts. Do not respond to these messages or open any links or attachments within them. If you receive an email or text message you were not expecting, please contact us using a number you have verified as genuine. Click here for more information about phishing, smishing, quishing, and vishing scams.

If you or someone you know might be the victim of financial abuse, download UK Finance’s  It's your money leaflet for information on what to do when it happens and the support you can get.

How we protect you online

An overview of the security measures we take to protect you

Online security - report an issue

You can report an online security issue using our form

Security help

Why is my account showing online restrictions?
You may have restrictions if it is a new account. It isn’t possible to make a withdrawal in the first seven days after opening an account.
If your account has been open for longer than 7 days and is showing an online restriction, please call us on
0345 1200 805.


My card is damaged, how do I order a replacement?
If you are registered for online services, login and send us a secure message to request a replacement card. If you have a branch based account, you can visit your local branch or agency. Or you can call us on 0345 1200 100.


How do I change my PIN?
You can change your PIN at any ATM machine in the UK that has the LINK logo. Go to the PIN service menu to make the change.
I have lost my customer number
If you've forgotten your username or customer number, you can find these in the savings app. You can also request an email reminder.


How do I change my address, phone number or other details?
You can update your personal details online by logging into your account. Once you’ve logged in, go to the ‘Personal Details’ section. Here, you can
update your address, email address and telephone numbers.
If you’d like to update any other personal or security details, or if you need help, please call us on 0345 1200 100.

Call us

9am - 5pm Mon-Fri
9am - 1pm Sat

Online security

Report an online security issue using our form


Report a lost/stolen card

Call our helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Alternatively, you can visit your nearest branch or report it online